Texas WIC Helps LA WIC Families

Texas WIC helps Louisiana WIC families displaced by Hurricane Ida.
“Wherever you find yourself in Texas, WIC can help transfer your benefits, replace your lost foods and assist with breastfeeding during this time of need,” according to social media posts by WIC agencies.
To find contact information of a Texas WIC office near you, enter the zip code of your current location at https://find.texaswic.org/?wicType=Clinic&lge=a8Jwz9Jlia. Breastfeeding assistance is available 24/7 for all moms at 855-550-6667.
If you would like to redeem your WIC benefits in an easy, hassle-free store you can find primarily WIC grocery stores by visiting the links below.
Primarily WIC grocery stores aim to provide quality WIC-approved products in an easy, hassle-free shopping experience, allowing WIC clients to pick up all their WIC groceries in one convenient stop. SNAP is also accepted. Find a primarily WIC grocery store near you with the links below.
Visit LoneStarFamilyMarket.com, a chain of 6 primarily WIC grocery stores in Austin with locations also in Round Rock and San Marcos. Visit WICaustin.net for a list of WIC clinics and primarily WIC grocery stores.
Visit GroceryServicesNorth.com, a chain of primarily WIC grocery stores with locations in Dallas and Waco. Visit WICDallas.net to find WIC clinics and primarily wic grocery stores in Dallas.
Visit JCFoodMart.com in San Antonio, a chain of primarily WIC grocery stores in San Antonio. Visit WICSanAntonio.net to find WIC clinics and primarily WIC grocery stores in San Antonio.
Visit WICWaco.com for a list of WIC clinics and primarily WIC grocery stores. You can also visit GroceryServicesNorth.com
You can also visit TexasWIC.net to find primarily WIC grocery stores and WIC clinics in Texas.
Thank you Texas WIC for helping LA WIC families!
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